Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Evolution Notes component!

I've been using Evolution since version 0.12. I used to be a big Outlook user, and used Outlook along with some type of PDA. I frequently used the Notes component, and sorely missed it. A Notes component (no, not Lotus Notes) was one of the top requested features, but Ximian just never had time to implement it. I added myself to the CC for the bug requesting a Notes component, and finally someone has created it. You can find the project at Sourceforge.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

First post

I always said there was no reason for me to start a blog... But here I am. Hopefully I'll have some interesting stuff to put here. There are definitely times where I would like to have a public voice, and I guess this is it. :-)

And to start...
Scary stuff afoot with software patents in the EU.